
Friday, 1 May 2020

..||>>Cooking Activity<<||..


this week we have been doing a bunch of activities, and one the activities was to make dinner for your family provided proof that you actually cooked it and  how you cooked it, your family would also rate it on how good it looks, smells, and tastes. 
I decided I'll make potato chips and bread crumbed chicken, my mums made that dinner before and I have helped her make it sometimes. so for this activity I would do it all by my self.

I took some photos of  the potatoes, and my progress of cooking them. 
first you get 4 potatoes ruffly a size that can fit into your hand, then you peel all of them and rinse the peeled potato with water, then you cut one of the potatoes in half then with those two half's you cut them in half again and with the half's you've cut, you can slice them so they look kind of like apple slices, then cut the potato slices into chip rectangles and repeat. when you've finished with that, put them in to a tray and get one and a half teaspoon of oil. tip that into the tray with the potatoes and mix them well so the oil gets everywhere in the potatoes. THEN get any herb.. you can smell and see if that herb will go good with the potatoes. I used oregano, and last time I made these I used sage. sprinkle your chosen herb and some salt (if you want.) mix them and shake so all the herb spreads all over  the potato. after that the final thing is to put it in for 30 minutes.

this is the part where I cooked the bread crumbed chicken, so first we cut up some chicken and get 3 pieces of paper towels and put some flower, and bread crumbs separately, then crack one egg into a bowl and whisk it. then all you've got to do is cover the chicken with flower, then dip it into the egg (so the breadcrumbs stick) then cover the chicken with breadcrumbs. then you're done! then poor some oil onto the pan and heat the stove, then you can place the finished chicken onto it, flip it side to side so that it can cook.... the one this is, is that you'll have to leave the chicken on their for longer depending on the width and how thick it is, it may cook the bread crumbs but make sure it cooks the chicken!   

this is what the finished project looks like!
(the sauce was a sweet chilli sauce.. I didn't have a sauce but my mum did.)
I was kind of struggling when cooking the chicken because it was possible that it would spit hot oil at me, but that's fine. the chips weren't the best, because they were quiet thin and well they were just potato chips I guess, next time I will try and cut them a bit more better, and use a different herb.. 
I asked my mum and dad to vote out of 5 and...
Dad: 5/5


  1. That looks delicious Piper, well done. I'm sure mum and dad loved having dinner cooked for them.

  2. Wow Piper those chicken and chips look mouth watering keep up the good cooking.
