
Sunday, 19 April 2020

._-Procedural writing-_.


For literacy we had an assignment about Procedural writing, were we had to pick a topic to very specifically  explain how to do that topic. as well as doing a piece of writing we also  do a video of us preforming  that topic  as well as subtitles to go along, there is also a rubric the teacher fills out when we've submitted it. I did my Procedural writing about ''how to protect your aviary budgies from mites:



I filmed this video on a smaller device (a phone.) so the birds wouldn't get to scared, the quality is very low on the video, and the subtitles kept on going landscape and I didn't know how to adjust them.

the subtitles say: first get a bag of DE NZ (diatomaceous Earth New Zealand)

:Get a small cup and open the bag of DE NZ and get the cup and scoop some DE NZ Powder into the small cup.

:Bring the cup of DE NZ powder to the aviary and walk inside with the cup of powder, make sure close the door behind you!

: Pinch the powder in the cup and keep it on your fingers.

:use that finger that has the powder in them to smudge on the perches 

:use that powder on your finger and smudge it on the perch 

: do that to all perches 

:and if you can, try get the powder on your fingers and carefully place it on the budgies

:If you have birds nests you can pinch the powder and rub it around the entry of the nest 

           here is the rubric.


  1. Well done Piper, I am so impressed with how well you are working from home. You have shown so much independence and responsibility and have been producing some very high quality work!
    I would like you to work on embedding your documents in your blog post rather than adding screen shots. If you need help doing this flick me a message and we can organise a google hangout.

    1. Thank you so much, I will go ahead and edit it now.
