
Friday, 28 August 2020

..◤ 5 senses Poem◢..

 This is Our 5 senses Poem,

We had to write about a special place and describe what you Hear, see, feel and taste. then we had to cut out the ''I ,  at, am,'' and other words similar to those. I used Google draw and drew with polyline to match the show what I saw

This was really fun to do, I did the poem about my house, because We have just moved into our new house but I still miss my old house so I had done this and drawn the view.

Monday, 24 August 2020

..|| Cyber smart fun activity! ||..

 -instructions and communication-

Today we did a really fun activity where we Got into buddies (me and Indi) and we each had two slides, a player A slide and a player B slide, we made a copy of one of those slides. I made a copy of slide A and Indi made a copy of slide B. in those slides where set up activity's to complete. 
these activities where instructions where one slide had a grid with images in it and the other player's slide had just a plain grid with the same images on the side, we had to give instructions to the other player where to put those images so they matched ours. 
there were other challenges like this in the slide that we had to complete
Here is mine
This activity was hard yet really fun and we had lots of laughs, one thing we had trouble with was our left and rights.. we knew them but we were sitting in opposite sides so it was confusing.
it was fun and soon we got it
here are the slides of the stuff I made for her to follow- 6, 8, 10
and the other ones where the instructions she gave me to do- 7, 9, 11

Friday, 21 August 2020

..+*Pebble Point of View*+..


Just like yesterday, we had posted a piece of writing based on the perspective of objects or things in nature, Yesterday we did the perspective of a table and focusing o giving it a personality by Personification, and today we are writing the perspective of  a small pebble in world war | 
In the pitch black night fading into blue, the sun has yet to risen.. 
The moonlight glistens on the ocean water, the soft sound of crashing  white wash is all I hear, 
the blanket of shallow glittery water splashes upon me, soon the tide runs further down and I dry up.
The light fades in into the sky as I see I tiny glimpses of sun rise, the cool air breeze slowly flows. A black silhouette of a ship emerges as the colour of things start to show up and the birds start to fly, leaving this land.

A long time it took for these people to jump of the ship and into the water, peace is soon disturbed. They slash closer into shallow water and soon I hear the crunch crunch crunch of pebbles getting twisted and crunched underneath their  bulky shoes, Slap! The shoes walk right over me and it feels like I'd been punched in the stomach, I watch as they walk over all of us and up the hill where the morning light touched.

As soon as they walk up I hear a BANG! They all are falling down and tumbling around as they shot fire to others, I gaze as I see one run out to sea to retreat, then fall into the water, he never gets back up, I feel still and powerless as so much problematic mess is around me. Falling soldiers, smoke and more, The big blue sky  looks over the land and the sun starts to fall down, the remaining solders continue to walk over the hill, the blue sky turns to purple and reflects on to the water. I lay here trying to relax once more from the tension and distress from the battle and all the pollution left behind. 

The sky turns, as the night starts to rise again, the moon rising and shining upon the ocean once again. I sit still and try to sleep, the crickets keep me up, my thoughts are still pounding and racing,  I focus on the stars above and the far noises of thunder-like shots in the distance and slowly drift away, the cold water washes upon me.
I snuggle in with the other pebbles. Sad that I couldn't help the humans, but glad i'm not one of them.
I am a pebble. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

..|:|Personification writing|:|..

 Today in literacy, we learned about ''Personification" 

Personification is something used in writing to describe a thing, nature, object, animal anything. but you describe it with human actions or features, like for example..
"the tree had long arms."
tree's don't have arms, it's describing about the tree's branches that appear like arm to us humans, so therefore we have used personification by describing this tree with human like features. Another example can be
"The grass tickled my feet."
Grass can't tickle, but humans can, it is describing how the grass feels like its tickling you.

With out task, we had to write a Piece, Expressing the perspective through our table we sit on, and describe it as if it is a person, me and my friends table is a small, short, chair-less table in the corner.. it is a bright Peridot green with a matte texture on the surface.
here is my Writing.
   ..-.-.-.-.  ↡ .-.-.-.-..
I awaited patiently.. keeping my thoughts to my self, listing to the conversations of others.. I looked out the door, to hear the muffled voices of children, and then the click clack of keys, they rumbled around getting a seat.. as I looked at those in front of me, they sat down, but I realised I haven't been cleaned! the gross gray glue made me stick to the books they have left of me, the tingly presses of pencil and paper make me want to sneeze, they tap their nails on top of me and accidentally scratch me, then they move onto the keys, ''click clack clee." I fall asleep to the chattering of them and then awake to something rumbling, I feel the weight plunge off of me as they all get up and leave,

Peaceful silence floats in the air, as I await once more.. then I hear trouble.. some children barge in and dance around me. they hear up their food, that now stinks the air and then just leave without a care,

I silently observe getting filled with information, I don't speak or even make a peep. I just sit there, Unappreciated and bored. they walk back in and lean in on me and I can feel their heartbeat. I feel their fear,worry and annoyance, their joy and pride, they don't know it, because I hide.

the day ends as they say goodbye, I live my life through them, but as the soon as they leave, reality strikes back at me, at the end of the day I am just me, a second choice table quiet as can be. 
 ..-.-.-.-.  ↡ .-.-.-.-..
this task was really fun and I really enjoy doing creative, and descriptive writing and it was really to add a personality to the table we use everyday. 

Sunday, 9 August 2020

..|| Weekend reflection ||..

..+* Term 3 Week 3 *+..

this week was the week of cross country! 

One thing I found Challenging was cross country, It was quiet hard to run and I was very out of breath, but I came 3rd. Another thing I found challenging was our daily timetable, it's bit hard trying to get as much of my timetable done as quick as I can but It is quiet hard.. another challenge is when I was finishing by colouring the installation in my creative writing and I was having trouble trying to find the right colour for what I was colouring.

Some thing I learned this week is about graphs, we have been doing maths in the morning and learned about lots of new cool stuff! one those was graphs, we had to answer certain questions requiring to understand the graphs. another was were we were focusing on patterns and number sequences. we have been doing a lot of maths work sheets, and some were hard and some I found quiet easy. 

Some things I enjoyed was drawing my creative writing illustrations, I am a bit worried that they aren't going to turn out good, but I did enjoy drawing them and colouring some. I also enjoyed cross country, it was fun to run the track. 
I also enjoyed playing silent ball because it is fun to try and catch long distance, and I enjoyed playing one of the P.E games we did because I finally scored a try! 

One thing  feel I have succeeded in is probably one of the R.E task we did where we pick a word from our goal and explain the definition, put it into a sentence, find a synonym, and draw a picture to represent it.  I feel I have succeed in that because I am happy with how the picture came out and I am happy with the finished definition I have wrote for it. I also feel I have succeeded in how much I have got finished in my contract. 

One thing I am looking forward too finishing my creative writing, I hope it goes well, and hopefully I can finish it next week.