
Tuesday, 26 May 2020

..+*Egg drop*+..

--Egg Drop--

We did a S.T.E.A.M challenge where we build a parachute carrying the egg and the goal is not crack the egg while dropping the parachute,  we didn't crack the egg! it was completely un-harmed! 
the stuff we used:
-2 paper plates
-1 plastic bag
-some Popsicle sticks
-2 balloons
-some rubber bands
-and some string.
We used the plastic bag as the parachute and we attached string to the basket where we would carry the egg inside, we folded a paper plate (so it looked like a triangle) then we stuffed some tissure inside it and then the egg and some rubber bands to secure the paper plate, for the egg we had cut half of the balloon and and stuck the egg inside it so it looked like a little protection suit for the egg.
this task was really fun and super cool to do,
After doing this we had to make a copy of this slide and fill it in as a reflection of this task.

Friday, 22 May 2020


Gamefoot is very like the game program ''scratch'' with coding and making games. in gamefroot there are templates where were basically just fill in questions for and complete the game coding, the game template we did was the ''Mihi maker'' it had everything already for us all we had to do is 
edit the script and fill in what it tells us to fill in.

The graphics in the game look really pretty and smooth, the line-less art and how simple it looks really looks nice all together. it was already like this when I played it, the only thing I had to do was fill in the questions, like..  ko ___ Toku maunga the gap is just where I had to write and answer. I didn't even have to add any transition! It was hard because I don't really have a mountain, or river that I know of... all the family I know has been born in new Zealand but we I have no clue what my iwi is either. for the river and mountain I just searched up a famous river and mountain in Scotland because I have Scottish in me. and for the ship//waka if we came from over seas we can put wakarererangi (which means aircraft) or if we don't know how.. I think we were supposed to just put ''the endeavour" and if we don't have a marae we just put our school. this activity was real fun and its so cool how the coding and animation works.

..||//First week back!\\||

..Week Reflection..

since moving back to level 2, we are back in school after many weeks of online learning and isolation. This first week was really exiting to be seeing everyone!
-What it looked like-
we all got to choose a place to sit and that was where we sat for the rest of the term, we made name tags and stuck them on our own tables, we have been using so much hand sanitiser to the point were just at the end of the week it nearly ran out! its been good to be back and see everyone. 

one of the things I found hard was.. that the learning time would be shorter than online learning.. when learning at home I didn't have breaks and I would work about around till 4 so I've had heaps of time to learn and accomplish my work.. but in school we've had lunch time and morning tea in between, but I think i still got a good amount of work done even with the change.

one thing I've enjoyed was.. being back with my friends and having much more break time so far. its been great to be back and it was our teachers  birthday this week as well!!

highlight of my week is.. Seeing all of my friends and being back into the rhythm of normal school. and all the new cool activities we've done so far.

Something I've achieved.. I'm not sure.. I guess I think I've done good with my first week?? I am also happy that I've achieved and finished making my teachers card, and I collaborated with my friend Tiana and we made a card for father Larry (our priest).

Somethings I could work on.. is probably working faster.. I'm quiet slow when it comes to trying to finish the work in the time period, when it was home learning there wasn't really a time limit where I couldn't  complete the work, but now with school where we have a certain amount of time to finish things its a bit harder, so I will try and work faster.

this week was really fun and I am happy how it has turned out this far, I am grateful for all of my friends and how kind they are and thankful for all classmates and teachers. 

Thursday, 14 May 2020

..||+*Lock down Reflection*+||..

 ↓ Lock down ↓

as you may know,  the whole country went under lock down at level 4, so that means online school, we've actually practice and gone on over the rules of what it might be like if we had to go under lock down, but we never thought it would actually happen.

When we found out it was lock down it was quiet surprising, I think it was Monday?? after lunch they gave us a slip of paper noting that we are moving to level 4. that was crazy, we got all of the stuff that we needed from school, our trays, our books, and our stationary. it was kind of weird.. the first day I went and tried to finish some of our original contract. then after that it was like the school holidays.. except no going to the beach or travailing anywhere. I guess I'm kind of used to not going anywhere because  we only go out to town if we need something so staying at home wasn't a problem neither was getting ideas of what to do to.. it was the motivation to actually DO IT was the problem. 

I kept on thinking of cool stuff to draw but I was way to lazy to actually do it. I can't remember how long we stayed before we started our online school.. I can just remember  being real lazy, like I literally did nothing all day.. I'd just wake up and do nothing. so much lack of motivation was terrible! I  hated feeling like a lifeless blob.

then online school was going to start.. the plan for how this in going to run is..
-10.00 is the first online call, our maths call. ( some times that call only runs for  5 minutes)
-1.00 is the second call of the day, that is also a short one that will run over what we are doing for literacy.

these calls were on every day (except for weekends, and national holidays .)
so basically like regular school days! 
So I get up at 6.50, then I get ready and set up a little space on my floor with only some pillows, and my books just in case, I always sat on the floor.. this whole time in online school I've been sitting on the floor! maybe because the floor is comfortable that chairs.  then I start going on the call around 9.45?? if no ones on then I may just go at 9.50, Its so good to be productive again. I pay more attention to the time and what day it is because I have been busy all day. We used to just have a maths and literacy contract, but then just recently we've updated it and merge them to gather. usually the teacher sets up a site with actives for our daily maths and literacy.  (for example.) we go on the call and she introduces us to one of the activities we are learning for maths, which usually has a site with activities helping us learn more about that subject.  our contract were really fun, like we got to make play dough, bake, make dinner, do some crafty stuff.  I tried to work as hard as I could. I liked the productiveness and the reward of feeling proud of your work that you've accomplished. one thing I found challenging would of been the internet slowing down, we had a little fault with the internet and how slow it would be! Also I found it challenging when I would be working and I worked so slow, I don't know why because I had worked all day and I just don't get heaps of things finished!  so far the online work has been fun.  and being productive was like a recharge, sometimes you would get distracted in your own home, maybe you might start looking at stuff online just because your other device is right there and you may get a notification. usually my computer is charged full in the morning (because I charged it over night) and then it goes way down so it is flat by night time. because all of our work is mainly on here so you do end up spending a lot of time on your computer. but I do have breaks, like sometimes I will go outside and see the budgies and feed them. I am looking forward to getting back into the rhythm of our real school work. I hope that all of this time  alone, and sometimes focus has trained me  to be more focused when we are in real school again. 
I also want to thank all the teachers for being the best, I think it would be hard always coming up with fun, and educational ideas for each week. our teacher has put up many fun things to do and has taught us lots and lots of things! she always understands when we can't do work maybe because the wifi, thank you so much! I kind of enjoyed the quarantine! but I haven't enjoyed all the bad new about this pandemic its really sad, but I think that new Zealand has done amazing.
thank you

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

..|=|+Density Sience project+|=|..


Today, We learned about density, Density is where an object is more heavier, so it has more density, Something with more density has more mass present in volume. for this task we had to make a copy of a slide, we watched a couple of videos about density and what it is, then we move onto the experiment.
the experiment was where you poor some milk into a bowl. pick some food colouring and add one drop of each, then get any item and put a tiny bit of dish-wash soap on it and slightly dip the item with the soap on it on the milk and the food colouring is supposed to part away from the item. for this activity we used..
- milk
-a bowl
- dish wash soap
-a cotton bud
- and food colouring 
first we pour the milk into the bowl, then add one drop of food colouring (doesn't matter what colour.)
then get the cotton bud and dip that in dish wash soap, then  carefully dip the tip of the cotton bud on the milk, see what happens.
this is the slide that we had to fill out,
(slide 9,10.11 are the slides I wrote on)

.. Here is the slide. this experiment was really fun and didn't take up any time at all. after I had tried it out I just kind of played around with the stuff an mixed all the colour together. then I filled out the slide, when it got to  slide 9 where it asked what do you think was heavier?? I wrote down my answer then I decided I would test what I thought, so I got a cup of water and poured some milk in to see if the milk was heavier (obviously the milk was heavier.) you can see this by if the liquid you pour sinks, or if it floats on top, like oil.. oil will stay on top of the water.( density is in any object, not just liquid.)
here are some of the photo's
↟ the equipment ↟ 
เฉฆ the drops of colouring เฉฆ
〰️ first dip with the cotton bud 〰️

     it looks so cool how the colours swift around the milk and merge. it's a really fun, and easy  to do it 
this is  based of of density.. the food colour floats because it is lighter than milk, so therefore,  milk has more density.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

..+* Reflection and symmetry*+..

This week We Are Leaning about Symmetry and Reflection. We have a site were each day on maths we go onto the slide and complete the learning activities based on the subject.  Today we were doing Symmetry and reflection. kind of similar to our geometry. accept we are also looking at reflection.

for this slide we made a copy and had to place lines on where we think the picture shown would be symmetric, or would have the same reflection.

I'm not sure if I got any correct, I just did what I thought was symmetric.
some of these  were hard because  the picture shown has places where it would be symmetric but then there would be one little detail that wouldn't of been on the other side. so it slightly was a bit confusing but that's okay. some of the pictures were really cool, and some where  confusing. it was a good task and challenging as well. it was also a fast task. it didn't take that long. 

Thursday, 7 May 2020

..+* Map making*+..

_⇢ Map Making⇠_

for today's maths  we  were doing an activity based off of our learning around compasses, navigation and coordinates, for this task we are making our own maps, by telling directions of where to go based on North  West, East and South, We have to follow the instruction of where to go by steps.
It is also so others can try out your instructions and see where they end up in their house.
since not everyone has a compass,  the North is where your front door is in your house, 

so here's my map, Its not the best, I did a brown tone to try and fit in with the ''old pirate map' sort of thing, for the map if you want it to.. you can make sure your steps are 30cm but you don't have to if you don't want to. so I worded the instruction as "2 steps north south (NS)" the compass in the bottom left corner has the labels so  if you are a bit confused on that it can show you what it means. the map is kind of complected because I tried to make it so that if you mark each step you might get a picture, (the picture that comes up should kind of look like a heart.) but I don't think that the picture would be that defined.  I tried this on the concrete with chalk and.. it looks like quiet a poor heart.
(sorry its really hard to see, you might have to zoom in.)

for this I didn't actually  measure the 30cm  I just amused that the steps were going to be the same.  
I'm not very proud of this.. but it was a really fun activity!! 

 If you want, you can try out this map by reading the instructions on it 
(Here are the instructions if it is too hard to read.)
(steps if you want can be as long as a 30cm ruler)
Face towards north, 
Walk 2 step north 
Turn slightly to the west
And walk 2 steps ( NNW )
Walk 1 step ever so slightly to south, (WSW
Then walk 1 step slightly to South west (SSW)
Walk 1 step north west (NNW)
Walk 1 step west 
Walk 1 step slightly to the west south (WSW)
Walk 1 step south west (SSW)
Walk 2 steps straight south.
Turn east south and walk 3 steps (ESE)
Do a sharp Turn east north and walk 3 steps there,

While you read the instructions and follow them (best do it in an open space.) you can track each step, by placing something like a pebble, stone, marble whatever item, once your finished the map have a look and see what shape it makes- its supposed to be a heart)
feel free to tell us about this experience. hope you enjoy!
and thank you for reading. 

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

..+Compass activity+..

-Maths learning-

for maths we are basing are learning off of direction and maps, for this-task we had to copy a slide and fill in the activities, slide 10, 11, 12, 13, are the ones with the actives I had to do.
slide 10: we had to draw on google drawing a compass,
slide 11: figure out how get from the aquarium to the other enclosures
slide 12: kind of the same one as the 11 one,
slide 13: there is a chart of empty squares, and animals are sitting below, we had to put them into the correct squares based off of the clues.
 this seemed like quiet a short cool little activity, I really quiet enjoyed the navigation maps.. that was fun! probably the one that took the most time would have been drawing the compass activity,  and the one I found tricky was the square one, where we had to put the animals in the correct squares.. because I read the clues and got quiet confused on which animal went which square, but then I got some help and re read it and then realised what I had to do.

Friday, 1 May 2020

..||>>Cooking Activity<<||..


this week we have been doing a bunch of activities, and one the activities was to make dinner for your family provided proof that you actually cooked it and  how you cooked it, your family would also rate it on how good it looks, smells, and tastes. 
I decided I'll make potato chips and bread crumbed chicken, my mums made that dinner before and I have helped her make it sometimes. so for this activity I would do it all by my self.

I took some photos of  the potatoes, and my progress of cooking them. 
first you get 4 potatoes ruffly a size that can fit into your hand, then you peel all of them and rinse the peeled potato with water, then you cut one of the potatoes in half then with those two half's you cut them in half again and with the half's you've cut, you can slice them so they look kind of like apple slices, then cut the potato slices into chip rectangles and repeat. when you've finished with that, put them in to a tray and get one and a half teaspoon of oil. tip that into the tray with the potatoes and mix them well so the oil gets everywhere in the potatoes. THEN get any herb.. you can smell and see if that herb will go good with the potatoes. I used oregano, and last time I made these I used sage. sprinkle your chosen herb and some salt (if you want.) mix them and shake so all the herb spreads all over  the potato. after that the final thing is to put it in for 30 minutes.

this is the part where I cooked the bread crumbed chicken, so first we cut up some chicken and get 3 pieces of paper towels and put some flower, and bread crumbs separately, then crack one egg into a bowl and whisk it. then all you've got to do is cover the chicken with flower, then dip it into the egg (so the breadcrumbs stick) then cover the chicken with breadcrumbs. then you're done! then poor some oil onto the pan and heat the stove, then you can place the finished chicken onto it, flip it side to side so that it can cook.... the one this is, is that you'll have to leave the chicken on their for longer depending on the width and how thick it is, it may cook the bread crumbs but make sure it cooks the chicken!   

this is what the finished project looks like!
(the sauce was a sweet chilli sauce.. I didn't have a sauce but my mum did.)
I was kind of struggling when cooking the chicken because it was possible that it would spit hot oil at me, but that's fine. the chips weren't the best, because they were quiet thin and well they were just potato chips I guess, next time I will try and cut them a bit more better, and use a different herb.. 
I asked my mum and dad to vote out of 5 and...
Dad: 5/5